Corporate Ethics

$ 49.00


Ethics deals with issues of right and wrong. Ethical principles are rooted in philosophy, morality, anthropology, sociology, and human behavior. Whether we like it or not, we face ethical dilemmas both at work and outside of work. Resolving ethical dilemmas is challenging and requires adherence to time-tested principles. This module explores the reality and understanding of corporate ethics.

Ethics is at the center of organizational priorities today. Ethics and governance are closely related to each other, yet there is an important distinction between the two concepts. Governance is the primary responsibility of the board and senior management. Ethics permeates all levels of the organization. Evidence suggests that ethical organizations outperform their peers on key performance metrics. Ethical organizations seem to attract and retain high-quality customers, employees, suppliers, investors, and other stakeholders.

  1. Understand the meaning of ethics and the principles governing business ethics.
  2. Appreciate why it is important for organizations and individuals to be ethical.
  3. Apply ethical principles to resolve dilemmas that arise in an organization.
  4. Develop a framework for corporate ethics.
  5. Evaluate ethical dilemmas and choose the most appropriate course of action.
  6. Apply the concept of corporate citizenship and the Natural Step Framework.

The Leading Edge Learning® modules are created specifically for today’s learners who demand interaction and engagement with online learning opportunities. Sequential presentation of largely static content in page-after-page delivery is not the best delivery experience for adult learners.

This module can be used for both Higher Education and Business & Industry. For example:

Higher Education - Include the module in an undergraduate course on leadership, use to develop new or emerging organizational leaders, and as an education module within a graduate program that includes leadership.

Business, Industry, Nonprofits, & Agencies - Use to transition senior manager to organization leader, develop newly selected senior leaders, and develop continuous quality improvement skills and abilities.

Pricing is based on number of learner hours and the annual expected quantities. Modules are sold individually and in course packs. Contact us to develop a customized solution that works for your specific requirements.

The quantity-based pricing of this module is as follows:

1-100 Learners per Year - $49 per Learner

101-500 Learners per Year - $44 per Learner

500+ Learners per Year - $39 per Learner