In the complex and data-driven business environment, effective organizational decision-making must be grounded in sound statistical analyses and research to succeed in a globally competitive world.
Business statistics involves the collection, summarization, analysis, and reporting of numerical findings relevant to a business decision or situation.
This module in quantitative research techniques and statistics will provide a complete picture of statistical concepts and their practical applications, and will demonstrate how statistical methods are vital tools for modern business leaders.
The Leading Edge Learning® modules are created specifically for today’s learners who demand interaction and engagement with online learning opportunities. Sequential presentation of largely static content in page-after-page delivery is not the best delivery experience for adult learners.
This module can be used for both Higher Education and Business & Industry. For example:
Higher Education - Include in a research methodology and statistics course. As part of an academic leveling program.
Business, Industry, Nonprofits, & Agencies - Instruction for business researchers and analytics specialists.
Pricing is based on number of learner hours and the annual expected quantities. Modules are sold individually and in course packs. Contact us to develop a customized solution that works for your specific requirements.
Th quantity-based pricing of this module is as follows:
1-100 Learners per Year - $49 per Learner
101-500 Learners per Year - $44 per Learner
500+ Learners per Year - $39 per Learner