Challenges can arise at any time, and to be an effective leader you need to be able to respond to those challenges with intelligence, strategy, and expertise. If you are having difficulty responding to unanticipated challenges, or if you are simply interested in improving your leadership skills, perhaps it is time to further develop your leadership skills and actions.
This module will refresh your leadership skills and hone your leadership actions so that you can be a more successful leader in your workplace. You will learn how to influence people, grow other leaders, lead a team, understand your values, and go to the next level in your leadership journey.
The Leading Edge Learning® modules are created specifically for today’s learners who demand interaction and engagement with online learning opportunities. Sequential presentation of largely static content in page-after-page delivery is not the best delivery experience for adult learners.
This module can be used for both Higher Education and Business & Industry. For example:
Higher Education - Include the module in an undergraduate course on leadership. As an education module within a graduate program that includes leadership.
Business, Industry, Nonprofits, & Agencies - Refresher on leadership for supervisors, managers, and executives. The online portion of a leadership development workshop or program.
Pricing is based on number of learner hours and the annual expected quantities. Modules are sold individually and in course packs. Contact us to develop a customized solution that works for your specific requirements.
Th quantity-based pricing of this module is as follows:
1-100 Learners per Year - $299 per Learner
101-500 Learners per Year - $284 per Learner
500+ Learners per Year - $269 per Learner